Massage In-App Content


Note: Have a staff preference? Make your selection on the next page before completing your booking.

Standard Massage

Whether you are looking for relaxation, stress or pain relief, our massage therapists will customize your massage experience with therapies best determined upon your arrival to reach your wellness goals.

Book 90 Minutes — $140

Book 75 Minutes — $125

Book 60 Minutes — $110

Book 45 Minutes — $95

Book 30 Minutes — $80

Hot Stone Massage

Using hot stones for relaxation, stress or pain relief, our massage therapists will customize your massage experience with therapies best determined upon your arrival to reach your wellness goals.

Book 90 Minutes — $150

CBD Relief Massage

Our CBD massage delivers soothing relief to the whole body by melting away tense areas with our spa-grade CBD.

Book 60 Minutes — $150

Book 90 Minutes — $185

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese therapeutic bodywork technique that uses gentle pressure, kneading, stretching, and tapping to help relieve tension and promote relaxation.

Book 60 Minutes — $140

Cranial Sacral Massage

Cranial sacral massage works to restore the natural position of the bones and ease muscle tension. Can help reduce overall stress levels, ease neck and back pain, and provide migraine headache relief.

Book 60 Minutes — $110

Pre/Post Surgical Massage

This massage is specifically designed to help you prepare and recover from a medical procedure to ensure your body is prepared or recovering to its fullest ability.

Book 60 Minutes — $110

Active Stretch

Active Stretching is a technique that focuses on lengthening muscles and fascia. By incorporating this technique into your session, we can relax the muscle tissue with massage and place focus on lengthening it out with stretches to restore healthy alignment and function to your muscle fibers.

Book 30 Minutes — $80

Book 60 Minutes — $103


Cupping Therapy is great for those with sore or inflamed muscles to help release the tension in your neck, back, arms, shoulders, legs, etc. get relief with our therapist as they use the cupping method. Typically great for those looking for relief in one or two specific areas.

Book 30 Minutes — $75


A technique for stress reduction and relaxation, which also promotes healing. It is performed by “laying on hands” and is promotes the life force energy flows more freely, causing us to feel more alive.

Book 60 Minutes — $105